Film photo by Ryan Dandelion, 2022.
This has got me musing on the bodied dimensions of our human collabs with machines and technologies.
Film photo by Ryan Dandelion, 2022.
This has got me musing on the bodied dimensions of our human collabs with machines and technologies.
Heading into 2022 with a deluxe studio workshop in the Naarm (Melbourne) northside.
This has been incubating for over a year now, and I’m delighted to finally share it with my local community.
Bookings at
I made my first animation! — GIF version of cover art I designed for my crew Ungus Ungus Ungus’ new album release, Constellations. Bonus: my vocals/lyrics appear on tracks 2 and 5.
Listen here:
Coming soon: an in-person workshop (Melb)
For now, a poem:
Art is forever making itself, piercing the fabric of the world
like an embroidery needle and looping back up,
threads of life following.
Let these lines - permutations of vibrating matter
- be gold boughs laden with darkly beaded pomegranates.
The green ones have come from the other world, tipsy like the breeze up to some foolishness…
As I was assembling this seasonal altar in the forest yesterday, I had a strong flash of body memory from when I was a kid. I had a book about a little girl who made furniture for faeries… I don’t really remember what the story was, but I remember the bodied feeling of enchantment specific to that story. Now there’s a whole new story to be stitched together from the gossamer threads of this breezy forest interlude. In the mix is a seam linking old Irish faerie lore and Rumi’s mention of ‘the other world’.
“Play isn’t doing what we want, but doing what we can with the materials we find along the way.”
// Bogost, 2016 in Play Anything: The Pleasure of Limits, the Uses of Boredom, and the Secret of Games
Photo taken by a friend at pre-2020 house party; glamour conjured in collabs with the hosts’ dress-up closet
“Inhabited space transcends geometric space” //Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space 1958.
The virtual space, while geometrically awkward for the body, is inhabited.
These are some of my self-reflective notebook pages from Creative Resilience, an online studio I’ve been co-facilitating in recent months in partnership with McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery >>
Seed (Fire)